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OneDayShop # 8, Lviv, L'viv


After celebrating Valentine`s Day will one day design market «OneDayShop # 8" in Lviv . This event will be a wonderful occasion for interesting new acquaintances and unforgettable pastime in a friendly atmosphere, as is expected of fun contests with entertainment, where everyone will be able to win prizes.

In addition guests can enjoy the fun street food drinks, pleasant music program, but most importantly - produce handmade, European firms stylish clothes at reasonable prices.

Location: arms market "Under the Arsenal " on the street Pidvalna 5, Lviv.

Date: will be held on February 20, beginning - 12:00, end - 19:00.

Cost: 15 UAH.

The program is a one-day Store

«OneDayShop» offers:

  • products handmade: jewelry, gifts and more from Ukrainian producers;
  • stylish clothes leading companies of Ukraine and Europe;
  • competition, fun, entertainment;
  • street food drinks;
  • new friends, pleasant music and fantastic friendly atmosphere.

Contact: +38 (067) 37-34-151 - club, +38 (067) 310-80-40 - market.

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