Exhibition "Rethinking: learning from nature", Lviv, L'viv

The recently opened an interactive exhibition that aims to inspire a rethinking their relationship to nature in young people. The idea runs through the four elements: fire, water, air and land. Each set aside a special section in the exhibition.
Thanks to innovative technology will meet guests at the door of the moving image configured to create the atmosphere of the event. The exhibition aims to bring examples that technological progress does not contradict the environment.
Venue: National Museum of Natural History , Theatre Street, 18, Lviv.
Date: Tuesday to Friday open from 10:00 to 17:00, Saturday-Sunday - from 11:00 to 18:00, Monday - closed. Will run from 23 January to 12 February 2016.
Cost: admission ticket for adults is 10 USD, for pupils and students - UAH 5, children under 6 - free.
Organizers believe that in recent years the technological progress of the relationship between man and the environment spoiled. Custom approach to nature was not just common, it is gradually becoming a threat to the existence of harmony with the world.
The exhibition is divided into sections, each of which tells of a natural element:
- water;
- fire;
- Earth;
- air.
Each chapter is supplemented with illustrative examples of bionics.
Of particular interest will be the exhibition for fans of German. For schools and classes with studying German at the exhibition is a special education program.
Contact: +38 (067) 789-31-67 - recording the tour, +38 (067) 738-43-05 - registration for an educational program on German.