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Opening fountain «Roshen», Vinnitsa, Vinnytsia


Europe`s largest light and fountain «Roshen» in the winery begins its work at the end of April. The grand opening gala concert, which will perform the finalists of the national selection contest "Eurovision". Organizers promise a massive and spectacular show that will be even more interesting than in previous seasons.

Vinnitsa unique light and fountain for its technical characteristics can compete with the famous fountain in Dubai. Ukrainian fountain is unique, bright and spectacular creation, combining the technical capabilities of our human imagination and riot.

Location: Roshen Quay, Vinnitsa.

Date: will be held April 23, 2016. Beginning - at 19:00.

Program inauguration of fountain

New season of the fountain will be held from bright concert where finalists will perform the national selection contest "Eurovision":

  • Tonya Matvienko;
  • Kharkiv indie pop band «PUR: PUR»;
  • Krivoy Rog alternative band genre «BRUNETTES SHOOT BLONDES»;
  • ALLOISE singer and others.

And while expected schedule fountain «Roshen» in the new season 2016:

  • 14: 00-5: 30 - Fountain job without music and lighting effects;
  • 15: 30-16: 00 - day water show;
  • 16: 00-16: 05 - daily water-music show;
  • 16: 05-16: 35 - day water show;
  • 16: 35-18: 00 - work without musical fountain and lighting effects;
  • 18: 00-8: 05 - daily water-music show;
  • 18: 05-19: 30 - day water show;
  • 19: 30-19: 35 - daily water-music show;
  • 19: 35-20: 00 - work without musical fountain and lighting effects;
  • 20: 00-21: 00 - Work fountain with light effects;
  • 21: 00-21: 25 - the night-light laser water show;
  • 21: 25-22: 00 - Work fountain with light effects.

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Start: 22 April 2016
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