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Pottery Festival "Rally 2016" Opishne, Opishnia


In the pottery capital of Ukraine in early June will be held the National Festival of pottery "Rally - 2016" in Opishne. The event was held to honor the traditions of pottery, profession, artists and even businesses pottery industry, popularizing active potter heritage.

The program of the festival included a number of separate events dedicated to traditional pottery holiday. It has a rich and varied program of events. For those wishing to work trips to cultural institutions picturesque town.

Place: Center for Spiritual Culture Street. Zalyvchoho 3, Opishne.

Date: will be held 20-25 June 2016.

Cost: adult ticket - 25 UAH.

The festival program "Rally - 2016"

The celebration will be held at the annual week of national pottery. The aim of the festival - to promote pottery traditions, to attract and engage youth to pottery, to honor the profession and master potters, distribute in domestic Ukrainian ceramics.

Pottery Festival 2016

VIII International Art Fair "Potter universe in Ukraine 2016" will open the festival pottery. Here visitors can buy a unique pottery, pottery to participate in contests and views ceramological films.

As part of the main event will take place:

  • Folk Festival;
  • Auction of contemporary ceramics called "Keramolimp";
  • etnofleshmob, etnoekskursiyi and etnodyskoteka;
  • some children`s entertainment and competitions.

Tours conducted by the following institutions:

There will be performances by pop bands and folk groups.

When the International Youth Festival "Opishne - 2016" will take place from 13 to 22 June, V National pottery festival - 25 June.

Kowalski Festival "VakulaFest - XXI»

National blacksmith event has become the sixth. The highlight hot and spectacular event will be blacksmith and pottery workshops.

When: from 20 to 25 June.

«BodyCeramicFestUkraine» 2016

As part of the festival "Rally - 2016" will be held VI National Festival Competition bodipeyntinhu «BodyCeramicFestUkraine». The exhibition will present art works of ceramic artists from different cities of Ukraine.

When: June 25.

The main activities that take place within the "Rally - 2016" also includes:

  • III International Photo Contest "Vision Pottery country" - from 4 January to 30 October;
  • KERAMOrezydentsiya in Opishne - from 1 May to 30 November;
  • KeramoTOLOKA - from 1 June to 30 July;
  • E-Summer Academy pottery - from 6 to 26 June.

Invited to participate craftsmen, artists, historians, archaeologists, art historians, ethnologists, cultural writers and other cultural or scientific figures.

Contact: +38 (05353) 4-23-81, +38 (05353) 4-24-16, +38 (05353) 4-24-15.

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