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Day embroidered in Dnipropetrovsk, Dnipro


Recently, it was proposed to hold celebration of the embroidery on the third Thursday of May. Although this holiday is not approved at the state level, unofficially it is celebrated in every town Ukraine. And Dnipropetrovsk will be no exception. This year`s festival will support more than 50 countries.

The organization joins a festive day NGO "Square Sicheslav-Dnepr", arranging spectacular Parade of Embroidery. And this, together with the NGO "The Power of the Future" organizers invited to join the event.

Venue: Square of Heroes Square , Dnipropetrovsk.

Date: will be held May 19, 2016, the beginning - at 17:00.

Cost: participation is free.

Program Day embroidered

First holiday celebrated in 2006. Home departed initiative of students of Chernivtsi National University. Fedkovych. Initially the goal was not to create a festival of international scope. However, in 2014 the event went out of the country. The following year, the national observance of the Day embroidered joined 38 countries.

This year in Dnepropetrovsk preparing a special program:

  • photo shoot in embroidery;
  • companionship, collection associates;
  • drum circle from "Etnodrayvu";
  • contests and entertainment for children.

And that`s not all! Participants are invited to all comers. There will also be an opportunity to buy or win the competition shirt.

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