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Master Class Vladimir Kabachenko - "Raven on blue sky `, Odesa


April 5th we invite you to a master class Vladimir Kabachenko painting - "The Crow in the blue sky" (diptych).

Vladimir is a classic representative of the "Ukrainian transavangardnogo neo-baroque".

His characters - whimsical fish, birds, animals - mythical creatures that inhabit the elements of Earth, Air and Water. Creativity Kabachenko has deep national and folk roots and devoted to their study.

The artist seeks to convey exactly what ``s going on in your head, hands and heart .... " In many of his paintings light beam.

Price: 1000grn.

With a 30x50 canvas to have 2 brushes, a set of oil paints

Recording and details on tel .: 38 (048) 700 90 05

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