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Alushta, Simferopol's'kyi district

Alushta - one of a seaside resort town, which is located on the southern Black Sea coast. On all sides it is surrounded by rocky mountains covered with pine forests. Picturesque views of vertices Roman Kosh, Chater-Dag, Demerji and the azure waters of the Black Sea doing one of the most popular Alushta Crimean resorts. 

This is one of the oldest cities in Ukraine. Many centuries ago, people have chosen this crossroad of ancient roads. Hence, it was easy to get to the ancient cities Surozh, Coffee or west to Chersonesos. Many roads lead to the north, the Steppe Crimea. That's why here on the orders of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian I in the 6th century BC Aluston fortress was built near the village which soon grew. Erection emperor fortress Aluston was the starting point in the development and prosperity of Alushta. Aluston was strategically important settlement during the period of ownership Crimea Byzantine Empire Khazar Khanate, Theodoro principality. Alushta passed through Genoese merchant ships, it was conquered by the Ottoman Empire, and later belonged to the Russian Empire. Civilization that existed on the territory now quiet resort town, left a tangible mark on the architectural appearance of the city. 

Coming to rest in Alushta, in one of the most ancient cities in the southern coast, be sure to check its history. In this city there are many interesting ancient monuments and culture. 

One of these monuments is extant fortification Aluston, built by the Roman emperor in the 6th century. Built a fortress, Justinian I was able to control the trade routes with the procedure and reflect harass opponents. Aluston fortress occupied almost the entire territory of present-Alushta, remnants of the fortress as a 16-meter tower and walls can still be seen on the street on April 15. Other dilapidated buildings Aluston be found across the city. 

Also be sure to visit the medieval fortification in Funa. This strengthening of the foot of the mountain was built Demerji residents kingdom Theodoro. They are monitored by the fortress is one of the most important caravan routes connecting the steppe Crimea coast and at the same time. While Fung also served as a defensive outpost. To date, the remains of a fortress located at the foot of the southern Demerji, near the village of Radiant. You can get there by taking a long-distance bus or bus, going in this direction. 

After reviewing the history of the ancient monuments of Alushta, you can proceed to the inspection of buildings of the 19th century. Perekopskaya street, which runs close to the waterfront, broken magnificent park - this former manor Staheeva patron, who was known in his charity. In the garden, where a collection of different plants, is his mansion. Today it is the Palace of Children and Youth Creativity. This name you can get from the bus station to the taxi number 1, № 26 or number 9. 

Another house with affectionate name "Dove" is also a 19th-century building. This name was in honor of the mansion general Golubev. The history of this mansion is full of momentous events. It was here that in 1894 there was a meeting Crown Prince Nikolai Alexandrovich and his future wife - Princess Alice of Hesse-Darmstadt. Here meetings were held nobles later meeting of the revolutionary committee, in this mansion also stayed Stalin. Today cottage "Dove" is a municipal library, located on Lenin Street. It is opposite Staheevskogo mansion, so that you can reach it on foot. 

In the vicinity of Alushta, in the village of Cliff built villa old noble family Gagarin. Its central figure is a mansion built in the early 20th century in the Romanesque style. The mansion, owned by Duchess Anastasia Davydovna Gagarin, was visited by many of the creative elite. To date, around the mansion is broken small landscaped park, and the building itself is situated pension.By Cliff settlement can be reached with a long-distance bus station Alushta.

Now you can get acquainted with the religious life of the spa town. In Alushta are several places of worship, and one of them - the Temple of all the Crimean Saints Theodore the. Theodore Stratilat was particularly revered in the kingdom of Theodoro and canonized by the spread of the Christian faith in the Crimea. Temple in his honor was built in 1842 using elements of the Tudor Gothic and Romanesque eclecticism that makes the overall form of the house more original. Theodore the church located on the street opposite the cottages Vladimir Lame "Dove." 

Another religious temple that deserves your attention - it Jami Mosque Yukari. This is the only Muslim temple, preserved in Alushta. Jami Mosque Yukari was built in the 19th century with all Muslim architectural traditions. Two churches - the Church of Theodore the mosque and Yukari Jami are close to each other. Because access to the Muslim temple on foot, turning the street into Upper Vladimir Lame. 

After a short stay in the city will be nice to relax on the beach. The best beach, with a gently sloping beach and shingle is Professor's Corner. Alushtynska promenade - one of the most beautiful places in the city. There is also a water park "Almond Grove", which you can visit the whole family. 

Alushta - an ancient city in southern Crimea, which has long attracted and still attracts travelers. Staying at this historic place you will remember for a long time.

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