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Verkhivnia, Ruzhyns'kyi district

The village is located in Verkhovnya Ruzhinsky district Zhytomyr region, the first documentary reference dates back to 1600. At that time the village was part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and are the property of the Polish Prince Lyubomirskogo.Pozzhe estate passed into the possession of Count Jan Ghana who engaged in resettlement areas. Palace was built in the Empire style, the park was built on the construction were used the best architects and craftsmen. In our time, it has in the Supreme status of a historical, architectural and landscape art of the late 18th and early 19th century. The building consists of a palace, two outbuildings, family church, wine cellar and park.

Supreme and Honore de Balzac

The main attraction of the Supreme - literary-memorial museum of Honore de Balzac, which is in the Ghanaian estate . It all started with a letter Evelina Hanska famous writer, she admired his works. Correspondence lasted for 17 years, after several meetings between them having a romantic relationship. Evelyn was very beautiful and educated woman, loved to travel, was familiar with many celebrities, particularly with Alexander Pushkin.

After the death of her husband of Evelyn, Wenceslas Ghana, she Honore could meet freely. In 1847 Balzac went to the Supreme. According to him, it was one of the best days of his life. In the estate, he served three rooms, courtesy of the hostess, here the writer is working on new works. In March 1850 they were married in the Church of St. Berdichev. Barbarians , then left for Paris. At the time, the writer was already quite ill, six months later he died. Evelyn will forever remain in France.

Every year on May 20 in the village of Verkhovnya hosts the International literary and art festival "Spring Prometheus" dedicated to the birthday of Honore de Balzac, there are going to admirers of his talent from around the world.

Now the estate is a branch of the Zhytomyr Agrotechnical College, part of the building is given over to the Museum of Balzac. Thanks to the efforts of teachers and students all buildings renovated park ordered.

Preserved ancestral tomb Ghanaian family, which is located within the park, now in her Orthodox Church.

How to get there

From Kiev can be reached by train to Popilni, then by bus or a ride to the Supreme. Can a car on the highway Odessa to the White Church , and from there to the village through Skvira Krivosheintsy, then turn right. It should be noted that the road to the Supreme is not the best quality.

Balzac Museum is open daily, except Saturdays and Sundays, from 9:00 to 17:00.

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