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Ghanaian Palace (Museum Balzac)

Ghanaian Palace (Museum Balzac)

The village Verkhovnya Zhytomyr region is interesting   two-storey building in the Empire style with white columns.

The palace, built in 1800, a huge park that surrounds it, outbuildings and church-tomb belonged to the family of Ghanaian. The estate was brought as a gift to his young wife Evelyn graph. Young beauty has entered into correspondence with the famous French writer Honore de Balzac, signing his letters "Foreigner". Secret romance in the pages of letters lasted 15 years (until the death of the graph). After that Balzac married the widow and moved to the Supreme.

Here the writer wrote some famous works and the famous drama "Stepmom". Well preserved study, several rooms tell us about his life in general and in particular in the estate. The rest of the palace given under Agro-Technical College.

Ghanaian Palace is considered a historical monument, is listed in the National Register.

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