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Baturin Citadel
вул. Самойловича, м. Батурин, Чернігівська область, Україна
The territory of Chernihiv region used to be a field of many battles. Since Kyivan Rus' Chernihiv warriors were considered the best and in fact, the city of Chernihiv was the capital of this ancient state. However, these lands acquired most of the glory at the days of Cossacks. It was a place where ...
Prylutska fortress
вул. Незалежності, м. Прилуки 17500, Чернігівська обл., Україна
The remains of the largest fortification - Priluksky -Save the fortress in the central part of the city Priluki, in the streets of Independence and Gogol Street, in the distant ring of Central Park. History Priluksky fortress Prilukskaya castle has a rich and long history. It is believed that ...
Nezhinskaja fortress
вул. Московська 1, м. Ніжин 16600, Чернігівська обл., Україна
Nezhinskaya fortress - is the largest fortification of 17-18 century. We have survived only a few separate buildings, all located in the central part of the city, near the main food market Nezhin.
History Nezhinskaya fortress
The history of the fortress in the city of Nizhyn begins in the 17th ...
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