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Ichnians'kyi district:
The National History and Culture Kachanivka Reserve
с. Качанівка, Чернігівська обл., Україна
On the banks of the Smosh River in Ichnians’kyi district of Chernihiv region the National History and Culture Kachanivka Reserve is located. It was built in 1981 and used to be one of the most famous cultural centres and a bright example of manor architecture. This state reserve with its palace and ...
Ichnia National Park
вул. Лісова 43, м. Ічня 16700, Чернігівська обл., Україна
In Chernihiv recently was a pleasant tendency to create national parks. So, in 2002, was created Mezhrechensky landscaped park . And so, in 2004, this beautiful land added another natural wonder. This Ichnyansky National Park.
In the park you will see a lot of bars and river valleys, formed due to ...
Pryhoryzontna observatory Bezvodivka
с. Безводівка, Ічнянський р-н, Чернігівська обл., Україна
Ukraine has its own Stonehenge - pryhoryzontna Observatory in Bezvodivtsi Chernihiv region. On the territory of this village is missing group of ancient mounds. Some have destroyed people and technology, and those remaining, the researchers described as funeral mounds nomadic 2-1 millennium BC. ...
Historical and Ethnographic Museum "Falcon farm"
вул. Набережна 68, с. Петрушівка 16735, Ічнянський р-н, Чернігівська обл., Україна
In the historical-ethnographic museum "Falcon farm" in Petrushivtsi presented history of the region of Tripoli culture period to World War II, which can be read by anyone. "Falcon farm" - is a real pearl of Ukrainian Polesie, which allows you to dive into the deep history and enjoy local scenic ...
Private Museum, p. Trostianets
вул. Асаулюка 6, с. Тростянець 16742, Ічнянський район, Чернігівська область, Україна
Transfiguration Church, Ichnia
вул. Спасо-Преображенська, м. Ічня 16700, Ічнянський район, Чернігівська область, Україна
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Monument Martos, Ichnia
вул. Коваля, м. Ічня 16700, Ічнянський район, Чернігівська область, Україна
Nicholas Church, Ichnia
вул. Васильченка, м. Ічня 16700, Ічнянський р-н, Чернігівська обл., Україна
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Stone Nicholas Church in Ichnya erected by diocesan typical design in modern style. At one time the church was quite good and respected, today it is an architectural monument that can attend not only believe but also tourists attracted mysterious spirit of ancient buildings. church history St. ...
St. George`s Church, Kachanivka
сел. Качанівка, Ічнянський р-н, Чернігівська обл., Україна
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База відпочинку Зелена світлиця, Хаенки
вул. Леніна 80, с. Хаенки, Ічнянський р-н, Чернігівська обл., Україна
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