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Ichnia National Park

Ichnia National Park

In Chernihiv recently was a pleasant tendency to create national parks. So, in 2002, was created Mezhrechensky landscaped park . And so, in 2004, this beautiful land added another natural wonder. This Ichnyansky National Park.

In the park you will see a lot of bars and river valleys, formed due to the river and its tributaries Uday - Ichenke. In this case, the entire territory of the reserve is uniformly covered by forests, made up mainly of oak, lime and hornbeam. This combination is found only here. Herbal and swamp forests cover about 11% of the total area of ​​the park, and it is - almost 1000 hectares.

Especially beautiful here in the spring, when the bloom Proleski and snowdrops. In the park grow species of trees, shrubs and flowers, listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. Equally valuable are the representatives of the fauna. So, here you can see the otter, ocheretyanku, badger, stag beetle and others.

On the territory of the park Ichniansky organized two eco-educational routes: "In the Valley Ichenki" and "Garden".

In the valley Ichenki

The Way of the environmental route lies in the northwestern part of the park, near the village of Haenko. The right time for this route - spring and summer. Here you will find herbs meadows, forest and beautiful scenery of the river course Ichenka. Almost every day in spring bloom more and more flowers. The atmosphere is unforgettable aroma of herbs archery. This route will take you just a couple of hours. Its length - 2, 5 km.


The route is suitable for a more active holiday. Here you can organize, with permission, rest with campfire. To this end, near a small pond there is a specially organized place. On this trail you will see the tall pines, oaks, fir trees and many other meshanogo forest. Along the way, the route you will encounter cognitive stop.

The park is all geared for a one-day visit, and for a longer period. There are tables, benches, shelters from the rain. You can rent camping equipment. There are building with rooms of hotel type for those who decide to stay in this beautiful corner of nature.

Visiting Ichnyansky edge, certainly worth a visit in the city - Ichnya. History Museum of the city tells a lot about the history of these lands. Also worth visiting is the perfect Transfiguration Church , as well as snow-white Resurrection Church .

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