Manor Shcherbin, Babai
пл. Карла Маркса, смт Бабаї, Харківський р-н, Харківська обл., Україна
In the village of Babai are the remains of the once majestic manor Scherbinin family. Age of the estate exceeds 200 years. It was originally owned by a local priest Ya Pravitskogo.
From the 19th century manor passed into the possession of family Scherbinin. The house does not just stop Gregory ...
Skovorodinskaya well, Babai
ур. Поляна Сковороди, смт Бабаї, Харківський р-н, Харківська обл., Україна
This tonic source can be found, if you go west of the village Babaevo in the Kharkiv region in the forest. He named in honor of the great Ukrainian philosopher and writer Gregory Pans, who has repeatedly visited this region. According to legend, he was walking in the surrounding forests, once ...
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