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Skovorodinskaya well, Babai

Skovorodinskaya well, Babai

This tonic source can be found, if you go west of the village Babaevo in the Kharkiv region in the forest. He   named in honor of the great Ukrainian philosopher and writer Gregory Pans, who has repeatedly visited this region. According to legend, he was walking in the surrounding forests, once came across a source and automatically leaned on his staff, who went deep into the ground. And the next moment from under her scoring spring. Its water was extremely cold with a specific refreshing taste. And called this extraordinary spring - Skovorodinovskaya Krynica. It was in the 70s of the 18th century.

In 1960, close to the source is placed a plaque, which states that   source recognized as a monument of history and culture. If you go with the flow of the stream down, you can be on the shore of the Black Lake, which is famous for growing on it with colored lilies. Nowadays inexhaustible Krynica has the status of a hydrological natural monument.

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