Rivne Nature Reserve
Сарненський р-н, Рівненська обл., Україна
Rivne Nature Reserve is the second largest in Ukraine. It is located on the territory of four districts: Volodymyrets, Dubrovnik, Sarny and Rokytnivskiy. It occupies an area of over 42 thousand hectares. The reserve is designed to protect the pristine nature of the different landscape zones, as ...
Trinity Church, Sarni
м. Сарни 34500, Сарненський р-н, Рівненська обл., Україна
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The small town is located in the north of Sarny Rivne region. In the history of warfare that took place on the territory of Ukraine, the city played an important role. Great is his contribution to the cultural heritage of the region and the country as a whole. Despite the small size of the town, ...
Transfiguration Church, Sarni
вул. Червоноармійська 7, м. Сарни 34500, Сарненський район, Рівненська область, Україна
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Unusual gray stone building in the Art Nouveau style downtown Sarna - a church of the Transfiguration. It was founded in 1936 on the site of an old dilapidated by the time wooden church. The appearance of this sanctuary are directly related students of the Jagiellonian University of Cracow. ...
Historical and Ethnographic Museum, Sarni
вул. Просвіти 20, м. Сарни 34500, Сарненський район, Рівненська область, Україна
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