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Melitopol's'kyi district:
Gorky Park, Melitopol
вул. Шмідта, м. Мелітополь 72300, Запорізька обл., Україна
A favorite venue for leisure melitopoltsev is an urban recreation park named after M. Gorky. It is quite clean and well-kept park with a beautiful, contemporary design and landscape. History of Gorky Park Melitopol main park was opened in 1927. Its founder is the chief forester forestry ...
Park Elite Zarechnoe
с. Зарічне 72336, Мелітопольський р-н, Запорізька обл., Україна
Park "Elite" is located on the edge of the village of Zarechnoye in the Zaporozhye region. It is located near the river Yushanly. The park covers a large area, and can now be seen the remains of the former buildings and premises. The history of the park "Elite" Park "Elite" was created in 1880. ...
Oak Alley, Sosnivka
с. Соснівка 72351, Мелітопольський р-н, Запорізька обл., Україна
Oak Alley is located in the village Sosnovka Zaporozhye region. It occupies a small area, covering an area of only 0.12 km away. kV. Sosnovka village itself is located on the banks of the River Dairy. It was founded in 1846. Near the village there is an old Staroberdyanskoe forest, it founded in ...
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