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Oak Alley, Sosnivka

Oak Alley, Sosnivka

Oak Alley is located in the village Sosnovka Zaporozhye region. It occupies a small area, covering an area of ​​only 0.12 km away. kV. Sosnovka village itself is located on the banks of the River Dairy. It was founded in 1846. Near the village there is an old Staroberdyanskoe forest, it founded in 1830.

History oak alley

Oak Alley in Sosnovka was planted in the second half of the 19th century. It was founded by the Mennonites, who at that time lived in the village. Nearby you can see the first home of Mennonites, who survived. It should be noted, the representatives of the Mennonites was one of the protestant religious movements, and basically refused to take up arms.

Oak Alley comprises 22 oak. Even before the revolution here came to rest wealthy people. Under the canopy of trees could listen to different music and songs performed by the local brass band. At the end of the alley was a boathouse and a pond where you can go boating. Time passed, and since then much has changed.

Today, through the oak avenue in Sosnovka passes new tourist route, which opened recently. Anyone can come here and enjoy the atmosphere of grandeur 120-year-old oaks.

Oak Alley belongs to the monuments of nature and is part of the reserve fund of Ukraine.

How to get to the oak alley

Getting to Sosnovka easy. From Zaporozhye and the district center here run shuttle buses. The road is about 130 km. Sosnovka is close to other attractions of Melitopol district, for example, the park "elite" and the springs in the village of Patience.

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