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Villa Mrs. Franz, Lviv

Villa Mrs. Franz, Lviv

Beautiful architectural representative Baroque palace architecture of the 19th century Lviv became kings gypsum villa, which has no name Villa Franz Josef.

The house represents the beauty and luxury of the wealthy that period. Construction of these architectural objects at that time was a kind of competition among the rich, who also did so profitable investment of their capital.

The history of the house, Mrs. Franz

Family had Franz career with plaster factory, located at the end of the neighborhood, which at that time was called Frantsivka. Later pits formed on the territory of Sandy Lake. Also built a sports park, which in 1920 became Gdansk. In the 60`s and 70`s of the 20th century it was built up of apartment buildings, hotels and hostels.

  1. The project involved construction works at the exhibition in 1892.
  2. In 1893, the widow of Franz Joseph on a draft Yan Perosya built luxury villa.
  3. 1907 Franz Josef left the world and in November of the same year put tramways. End tram stop time was just about Villa Franz.
  4. After World War the building became the property to engineer K. Rihtmana who also bought land on the opposite side of the street.
  5. In 1930 the owner of the villa was the family of Count Mieczyslaw Chodkiewicz. Later, after 9 years, the house was nationalized and therefore lost most of its treasures. On the former luxury building resembling the remains of wooden stairs.
  6. After the war, in 1950 in the building of the regional branch of placed children`s tuberculosis dispensary.
  7. 2010 villa Ms. Franz took place in the Top 15 most unusual attractions and residential buildings according to the magazine "Correspondent".
  8. Today here is the Lviv regional sports clinic medical direction.

Architecture Villas

Franz Josef house is made of brick, with a mansard roof, plastered and decorated with rich sculptural decoration. Mesh facade of the palace engaged Edmund Plishevskyy.

The plan is close to the quadrangle, and bulk composition is asymmetric. Arched windows decorated with rectangular frame.

The feature of the composition was dome-shaped tower. The building with wings surrounded by a small garden.

Interior design has retained its original stucco decoration of walls and ceilings.

Getting to Villa Franz

Franz Family Palace located on the street Konovalets. Here is the route of the 2nd tram near the stop street intersection is Miller. On the next street Antonovich many walks through the nearest taxi stop Melnyk.


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