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Trinity Church

Trinity Church

To the north of Poltava rasplozhen pgt Dykanka. His name is known to all, and many Ukrainians abroad. The thing is that here was born, raised and Dikan'ka immortalized in his literary masterpieces of the great Ukrainian writer Nikolai Gogol. In the stories of "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka" he writes about the customs of the native population. In one of these stories mentioned ancient Trinity Church, on whose walls Vakula allegedly drew a terrible trait.

Be sure to visit the village Dykanka which is impregnated with the spirit of the era of the Cossacks, and the visit of the Holy Trinity Church.

This cross-domed church was built in the distant 1780 in Baroque style. The two-storey dome stands out spectacularly four semi-domes located lower. Squattish bell tower was added through the side of the church year. Trinity shrines are decorated with wall moldings and other decorative elements. All three entrances to the church framed by columns with Corinthian columns at the sides. They are directed to the east, north and south. From the west the same church is equipped with a semicircular pediment. Although Trinity Church has a cross shape, with its construction has complied with all proportion. It is believed that this temple was built on the site of a wooden shrine, so it seems as if he rises above ground level. With the advent of the church, which contributed to the grandson of the Cossack elders Kotchoubey Paul, began the history of stone temples Dykan'ky.

Go inside the Holy Trinity Church. Here arranged Temple Museum. Above are the relics painted walls. Paintings of scenes from the Bible, stories and images of the saints - all the work done by local artists. Particularly striking in its beauty dome paintings that are harmoniously combined with wall moldings.

Holy Trinity Church was built in the time of Cossack battles. Pay attention to elements such as narrow windows, towering head on view - Specifies the target for the use of all shrines for defensive purposes. Especially evidenced by two backdoor temple. One of them will eventually connect to the system of underground passages of the village. The second pass directly from Trinity Church leads to the crypt Kochubeev which located not far from it. In addition, Holy Trinity Church and participated in the social life of the village. When the church was built Sunday school, where students take only the good.

The best time of year to visit Dikanki - a period of flowering cherries, which grow a lot in this wonderful town.

By "Gogol", you can reach the village of Poltava on regular buses that leave regularly from the city bus station. You can also order a taxi.

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Путешествие в Полтаву и Гоголевским местам
Полтава – это уютный город, с которым связано немало событий украинской истории. С ним ассоциируется и множество произведений известных украинских писателей, наиболее популярным является Н. В. Гоголь. Тур в этот уголок Украины подарит вам: Поход в духовный центр Полтавской области – Мгарский монастырь. Обзорную экскурсию по Полтаве. Круглая площадь, аллеи героев из Гоголевских повестей, дома-усадьбы Котляревского, поле битвы под Полтавой – и это далеко не все достопримечательности, которые вы сможете увидеть во время полтавской экскурсии. Обзорную экскурсию по Гоголевским местам и в село Диканька. Вы посетите Троицкую и Николаевскую церковь, которые также связаны с писателем. Село Гоголево – место, где выдающийся украинский писатель провел свои ранние годы. Тут же находится музей, посвященный самому Н. В. Гоголю. Источник фото:  panoramio.com, автор: kyo_ua. План тура:
Полтавские «витрибеньки»
День 1 Киев с. Мгар с. Гоголево с. Великие Сорочинцы Полтава
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