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Ascension Church

Ascension Church

A small picturesque town situated on the banks zolochev Zolochevki River, which flows in the Lviv region. The first mention of this place have survived since 1442, when the city was located at the intersection of trade routes leading from Ternopil to Lviv and Lutsk in Coloma.

One of the interesting monuments of ancient architecture of Lviv is the Ascension Church, built in 1726 in Zolochev. For many centuries of its existence, the temple suffered significant damage. However, due to the restoration, carried out in 1878 and 1907, the church regained its majestic appearance.

The temple was built in the Baroque style, its main facade is decorated with a quadrangular tower, which housed a clock made of hewn stone. Under the tin roof are niches with stone sculptures. Exquisite beauty of the facade emphasizes the white stone carving and choir with a semicircular apse.

The church is made in strict vertical form, the lower tier of admirers of fine Ionic pilasters. No less beautiful pilasters, but the Corinthian order, decorate the top tier. Above the main entrance to the church you will see the balcony with wrought baroque bars.

Today the Church of the Ascension is an active church and interesting ancient cult construction Zolocheva. Visit this amazing place where everything is full of the spirit of antiquity. Here you can touch the secrets and mysteries of the history and enjoy the spirited atmosphere.

Zolocheva can reach by taxi, which is sent from Lviv street Lychakivska. In addition, you can ride and train, extending from the train station or stations "Pidzamche."

Ascension Church is located in the heart of the old town, on the street Pans, 6.

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