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Pharmacy-Museum, Kyiv

Pharmacy-Museum, Kyiv

On one of the streets of Kiev near the gate Florovsky monastery stands unremarkable one-storey building, which is known to few. Here is an unusual pharmacy - Pharmacy Museum.

In 1728, she became the first private pharmacies in Kiev . Here trading of various drugs, as well as cream, powder, perfume and ink, which at that time were available only in such pharmaceutical institutions. In this building as a museum opened its doors in 1988. His exposition was going to literally bit by bit from all over the country. And now in the 12 halls of the museum, which is about 3 thousand. Curious exhibits, everyone can learn about the history of pharmacy and pharmaceutical Ukraine.

The pharmacy museum, the interior is fully pharmacies period of 18-19 centuries. You can even look into the basement, where the installation of an alchemist`s monastic cell, in which heal ailments using herbs and prayers, as well as the hut quack. Glazed windows keep a variety of old appliances, tools, and flasks with strange medicines and potions. Itself pharmacy museum continues to operate directly as a pharmacy. Of course, the usual drugs can not buy here, but a variety of soap on an old recipe can be easily purchased.

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