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The Memorial Museum-Studio of Teodozia Bryzh

The Memorial Museum-Studio of Teodozia Bryzh

In the workshop of Lviv sculptor Theodosia ruff, where she worked in the years 1956-1999, a museum. During his life, this extraordinary and multifaceted artist has created 200 sculptures, 27 of them realized in nature. Its most famous monuments: Daniel of Galicia-Volyn Vladimir, Yaroslav the Wise in Bohuslav, Taras Shevchenko in the village Berezhnytsia, park sculpture village Kolodyazhni.

Theodosia works ruff inherent lightness, plastic and finesse. Particularly interesting in this regard, a series of images of sculptures to the "Forest Song" Lesya Ukrainka. You can admire them in the museum, as well as see the easel sculpture projects and monuments.
Closed on Mondays.


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