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Boims Chapel

Boims Chapel

No wonder it is an iconic building called Black pearl city. It is striking in its beauty and originality. Chapel was designed by the architect commissioned by Böhmer Lviv merchant Boim as a tomb - then the construction of family crypts has been a tradition for the rich genera.

According to tradition, Boim loved luxury and honors, and therefore wished that the chapel was built with special splendor. Its facade like a bisected. The western part was once white, but eventually alabaster absorbed the smoke and soot of the city. The eastern part is made of a dark material.

Chapel of the Boim family remained intact despite the fact that these objects and cemeteries outside the city endured. And because we can admire the façade, richly decorated with carvings, hammering and painting.

Both inside and outside the walls of the chapel are the main Bible stories, and because Lvov called her "the Bible for the illiterate." The chapel is located next to the Latin Cathedral .

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