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Holy Trinity Cathedral

The Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral in Lutsk

Holy Trinity Cathedral in Luts’k is a magnificent building in the centre of the city. You can see it from many distant places of Luts’k, and its bell ringing can be heard in almost every corner of the city.

The history of this church is interesting and rich. The cathedral was erected on the place where in ancient times Church of the Holy Cross used to be. For the first time it was mentioned in chronicles of 1585. This church was founded by the Polish King Stefan Batorii. In the year of 1643, the wife of a judge, Agnieshka Pashyns’ka bought a land near the church and decided to donate it to Bernardine Order. Some time later, in 1720, Village Elder Karl Radzywill built a stone monastery in the form of a semicircle on this land. The monastery was so architecturally rich and beautiful that it was one of favourite places of the Russian Emperor Alexander I to spend time at. When Volhynia was a part of Poland, the monastery housed Volhynia Voivode Administration and a public library. After the Second World War a police station was situated in this building. In 1992 the monastery was turned over to non-canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Today Theological Seminary of Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kyiv Patriarchate and Regional Library can be found in this building.

Those who are fond of architecture are well advised to visit this temple, which is a great example of basilica – large roofed hall, typical for the Roman Empire. Basilica’s floor is based on two rows of columns forming three naves. You can see a dome over the central part of the temple and a one-storey belfry on the west facade, original decorative elements of which have been still preserved.

You will be impressed with a real value of the cathedral – C17th gold-plated iconostasis in the Russian Revival style. The iconostasis is a real masterpiece, where delicately holy gates with four Evangelists and the Annunciation are depicted. Icons of Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ, Saints Cyril and Methodius, St Olga, St Vladimir, and the Virgin Hodegetria can be found by you in this church. Especially valuable are the icons "Exaltation of the Cross" and "The Cathedral of the Russian Saints" of the 19th century. The interior is decorated with beautiful paintings, which make this place beautiful and rich. You will feel incredible peace and harmony while visiting the cathedral during the service. Also, you will have an opportunity to hear songs and prayers performed by a chamber choir "Oranta".

Holy Trinity Cathedral is located in the centre of the city, next to the stop “Univermag Luts’k”. From the railway station you can get there by bus № 2, and from the bus station – by bus № 16, 32.


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