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Expocenter of Ukraine

Expocenter of Ukraine

Expocentre of Ukraine - the only state exhibition organization that conducts international and national exhibitions and fairs. Every year on his exhibition venues held nearly 100 events, including - corporate, business, holidays and even sports. Regularly within the complex are major music festivals.

Expocentre of Ukraine is also called the "reserve Soviet baroque". It was built with the characteristic scale of the Soviet era, so the scale of the buildings are really impressive. Territory of the complex has 180 buildings and structures, 20 of which are historical and cultural monuments of Ukraine. In addition to the pavilions are also equipped with outdoor exhibition area, broken down alleys and gardens, built fountains, created artificial ponds, outdoor cafes and restaurants. The total area of ​​the center - 285 ha. Incidentally, the complex is located in the protected forest Goloseyevsky. The event took place back in 1958.

Expocentre of Ukraine - it`s a great place not only for exhibitions, but also for the rest of Kyiv residents and visitors alike.

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