Expocenter of Ukraine
просп. Академіка Глушкова 1, Київ 03187, Україна
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Expocentre of Ukraine - the only state exhibition organization that conducts international and national exhibitions and fairs. Every year on his exhibition venues held nearly 100 events, including - corporate, business, holidays and even sports. Regularly within the complex are major music ...
Гавайські танці Ka Pua Miliani Hula Dance
ул. Межигорская 25, Киев, Украина
Гавайські танці в Києві - це завжди позитивні емоції! Ми представляємо автентичні гавайські танці двох основних напрямків: сучасний (ауана) і древній (Кахик). Наша студія брала участь у багатьох відомих українських фестивалях - Трипільське коло, Країна мрій, Арт-Пікнік Слави Фролової, Древо-Фест, ...
Art Center ARKA
вул. Прорізна 17, Київ 01001, Україна
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Art Center Arka has existed since 2014, is engaged in a broad creative activity, it was established on the basis of the gallery Arka, which is located in the National Museum of Medicine of Ukraine .
Exclusively exhibit orientation center is not justified expectations of a large number of creative ...
Art Gallery Lavra
вул. Лаврська 1, м. Київ, Україна
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Kyiv city art gallery "Lavra" is one of the main cultural centers of the capital. A large area art space presents multiple projects relevant forms of creativity. The gallery was opened in 1996 in an old building commissariat store Kiev fortress. The room gallery built in the mid 19th century. Over ...
The Lihtaryk art studio Kyiv
Bastionna street 5a, Kyiv, 01014, Ukraine
The Lihtaryk Art Studio is a creative agency in the very heart of Kyiv. Having settled on the hills of Pechersk our artisans draw inspiration from the beauty of Kyiv antiquity and present it to all the guests of the studio.
We aspire to integrate traditional crafts into the hectic life of a ...
The Kyiv Planetarium
вул. Велика Васильківська 57/3, Київ 03150, Україна
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Kiev Planetarium offers a fascinating tour for their visitors. Seated in comfortable armchairs spacious hall, you can witness a solar eclipse, see shooting stars or watch the flight of the spacecraft. Exciting astronomical tours captivate both adults and children.
Creator of the first planetarium ...
Congress and Exhibition Center "Parkovy", Kyiv
Паркова дорога 16, Київ, Україна
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The Center for Science and Arts DIYA
пр. Перемоги 44а, Київ 02000, Україна
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The Center for Science and the Arts «DIYA» created for young people received new opportunities for self-realization, the disclosure of their talents and harmonious development. Our mission is to provide an active youth circles a maximum of tools for the development of their creative and scientific ...
Gallery Mystetskyi kurin
вул. Пирогова 10Г, Київ 01030, Україна
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Gallery "Art hut" in Kiev - an organization or even a close-knit group of people who care about the Ukrainian culture gallery artists Logo organization suggested Vasily Chebanik, honored worker of Ukrainian art. The logo is a key special font Georgy Narbut. Earlier in the "Art smoking" ...
Kyiv House of Nature
вул. Рогнідинська 3, м. Київ 01001, Україна
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Kyiv House of Nature is the urban center of environmental education. The main purpose of the appearance of the conservation of the enterprise - to educate the people of Kiev environmental protection and the promotion of sustainable use of natural resources.
What can be seen in the Kyiv City Nature ...
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