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Royal Arsenal

Royal Arsenal

Royal Arsenal is located in the majestic Ukrainian city Lviv . Built in the 17th century and designed in the Baroque style. This incredible architectural structure was part of the fortification system of the city. Each tower, stage decoration imbued with the spirit of the majestic history.

Erected the Royal arsenal Polish King Wladyslaw IV. The ruler was known as a lover of military affairs, in his plans was a crusade for the Turks, and Lions had to collect the military, and that`s when it was built construction. But the appearance of the Royal Arsenal did not warlike, opposite a very bright and clear.

The building is built of stone, in the shape of a rectangle with surrounding outbuildings forming a courtyard. It was not only comfortable layout, but also a subtle calculation, because the enemies fall into the trap, because the yard is easy to sweep out all the windows.

And to this day the Royal Arsenal has not lost its beauty .Bokovoy facade is decorated with carved stone portal. Inside the Royal arsenal adorned sculpture "Archangel Michael, striking Satan", is now presented in the Museum of weapons "Arsenal" .

Meets those who have decided to visit the Royal Arsenal, a monument to Ivan Fedorov , the first Russian book printers. Nearby is the book market , known for its rare books and antiques.

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