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Pharmacy Museum "Under the Black Eagle"

Pharmacy Museum

And would you like to visit the laboratory of alchemy? How about a collection of old pharmacy equipment - it would be interesting to look at her? If yes, then you are in Lviv, Museum of pharmacy "Under the Black Eagle", which by law, recognition of the oldest in the city.

The date of its foundation in 1735 is considered. For centuries it was considered that the best pharmacy in Lviv.
In a surprising pharmacy museum has 16 rooms. First before you open the doors operating pharmacies. You will see ancient pharmaceutical scales and kerosene lamps, which witnessed the first operation produced in Lviv under artificial lighting. The decor of the pharmacy will be transferred to a century ago - oak cabinets, decorated with carving, ceiling, painted over who worked Austrian master ...
The second room is the equipment of different eras and pharmaceutical glassware collection. A look into the library, you will find countless literature devoted to the pharmaceutical and medicine. Perhaps the most interesting part of the tour - in the old cellars where recreated an authentic atmosphere, carrying away visitors at the beginning of the 18th century ...

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