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Museum Avtomotovelofotoradio

Museum Avtomotovelofotoradio

Vinnitsa attractive for tourists not only the age-old architecture, historic landmarks and landscapes of streets, but also the original museums, one of which is a museum Avtomotovelofotoradio.

His work museum started in 2013, since its doors are open to all lovers of the unique and interesting. Visitors private collection of vintage cars. Interesting models of motorcycles and bicycles. Radios, televisions, and the first lot of other things. The exhibits are fascinating and allow to plunge into the Soviet era.

Only in Vinnitsa Museum of retro cars you can feel like a driver "Victory" or "Volga", to be photographed in uniform. Convenient location of the museum contributes to his visit, because it is located in the city center. Be sure to visit the museum Avtomotovelofotoradio, you will not regret it!

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