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Nicholas Church, Vladimir-Volyn

Nicholas Church, Vladimir-Volyn

In the city of Vladimir-Volyn many beautiful temples with a rich history. One of them - Nicholas Church, which is a type Bezverkhy temple is an architectural monument.

First it was the Greek Catholic chapel of St. Jehoshaphat Kuntsevych. It was built in 1780, are present in the architecture of Classicism and Baroque. Then, after 15 years, the chapel passed Orthodox Church, since it is called the Nikolaev church. The temple was a wooden bell tower, but it has not survived. In addition to the church building to our times has reached the stone gate in the form of an arch, but the stone wall that surrounded the temple was destroyed.

In 1910, the church served as a cemetery chapel, and from 1914 to 1939 was used as a parish. In Soviet times, the church staged a warehouse. Now the building was returned to believers, there are services.

Close to St. Nicholas Church are other beautiful temples Vladimir-Volyn: Church of the Jesuits and the Church of St. Joachim and Anne .

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