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Open Air Gallery

Open Air Gallery

Open-air gallery in Lviv - the most unusual and one of the most memorable galleries in Ukraine. In the old town (Lviv region with a large number of historical monuments and cultural sites) on the facades of the houses you can see a unique exhibition of painting.

Picture placed directly on the walls, window frames in places conventional homes. It should be noted that each of the selected house - it is an old building with an interesting history and remarkable architecture, which is perfectly complemented by a beautiful painting. In art project "Gallery in the open air" was attended by 12 renowned artists of Ukraine.

Picturesque scenes are not chosen randomly. The paintings artisans who lived in Lviv from 16 to 20 century. As is known, Lviv for many centuries was the center of craftsmanship, it is home to the famous bakers, brewers, blacksmiths, tailors, painters, poets, and many others.

The idea of ​​the project was TM "Lviv", which is actively preparing for a major celebration of the 300th anniversary of the first brewery in Lviv. In addition to a unique exhibition of paintings in the open air will be interesting to look at the Dominican Church or Church of Lady of the Snows , built in 1550.


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