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St Mary Magdalene Church

St Mary Magdalene Church

Church of St. Mary Magdalene was built in the 18th century at the expense of Countess Anastasia Branitskaya-patron. In those years, the church was located outside the historic city center. It was rumored that the Princess made a vow to build 12 churches, and this was the last church.

The temple is built in the style of classicism. According to its project-dome church, cruciate chetyrehstolpny, a bell-tower. In Soviet times, it was one of the few temples in the city. Church of Mary Magdalene fits perfectly into the natural landscape of the city, being located near the wide mouth of the river, in the heart of the forest grounds.

The temple has a well-kept patio where you can sit and collect my thoughts. This is an amazing place for solitude and peace.

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Багатолика Рось. Колиска східнослов’янської цивілізації.
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