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Palace Pereni

Palace Pereni

Pereni palace is named after Baron Pereni, who acquired it in the 16th century. It is located in the Carpathian region near Vinogradov   with lock "Kanka" . First, a one-story building was performed and the defense function. Then, the owners decided to convert it into a living residence in the Baroque style, so there was a second floor. The palace is also decorated with the coat of arms Pereni.

Today, the palace is an interesting architectural project, which has been preserved to our days without significant changes. On the ground floor laundry room, and was the entrance to the cellars. The second floor has living quarters. On the walls of the great hall is still preserved frescoes. Around the palace was a large and beautiful park with exotic trees. During Soviet times, this room was used for the District Department of Education. Later in the castle restoration work was done. This place is worth a visit to see its beauty and grandeur.

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