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Vinogradovsky Castle (Castle Kanka)

Vinogradovsky Castle (Castle Kanka)

Vinogradovsky castle belongs to the medieval buildings. The first memories of him date back to 903 a year. Castle is a small colorful town in western Ukraine in Kankove. Its location - rocky terrace reserve "Black Mountain" ("sleeping" volcano) at an altitude of 656 meters above sea level.

Today the castle is only vaguely reminiscent of the original structure. It was built in the shape of a square, in every corner that housed the powerful square towers. The castle was about 50 meters, width - about 45 meters. The remaining fragments of the structure is practically destroyed, although the overall style architectural structures still be traced.

During its existence, the castle changed owners several times, subjected to conquest and change the assignment. His story is not only long but also very interesting. Structure was able to visit and defensive structures, and strength, and even a monastery.

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