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Buchatskiy lock

Buchatskiy lock

On the right bank of the Strip in the central part of the old town are the ruins of the famous castle of Buchach. At one time, they were a formidable fortifications that protected the city from invaders. Place lock has been selected for the defense of the ideal - a rocky hill, which slopes on three sides by steep precipices at the waters of a small stream flowing into the Strip.

Local tycoons is laid for strengthening the protection of their native city. For three centuries, the castle was able to survive during the many attacks Tatars and Turks. Interestingly, much to the fortification was invincible to the enemies, it has been a woman - Mary Mogilyanka. After the death of her husband, Stefan Potocki, she decided to turn their patrimony in a safe for themselves and children. It was then that the castle was increased almost three times, and the height of its walls, fortified three-row loopholes, in some areas increased to 4 meters.

Buchach Castle was so impregnable that it failed to capture even the Cossack army. His position fortress surrendered only the Turkish army in 1672. Potocki made every effort to restore the castle. Unfortunately, in the 19th century, the castle ceased to be a valuable military fortification, so over time the structure is almost completely dismantled for building materials. We survived to our days, only small fragments of walls and towers.

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