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Church of the Nativity, Ternopil

Church of the Nativity, Ternopil

Church of the Nativity is one of the oldest buildings and is located in   Ternopil . Temple   built in the style inherent in Podolsk architecture and built in 1602-1608 years. It was decided to build a temple near the gate of the city on the site of an old wooden church, which was completely destroyed by fire.

Church of the Nativity got its name because of its consecration took place on Christmas Day. During the Second World War, the temple almost hurt, but it was gone monument erected in memory of the victims of the cholera epidemic (1770), and were partially destroyed bell tower and stone wall. Modern appearance church received in the course of a large restoration, which was carried out in 1937.   The main shrine of the church is the icon of the Mother of God in Ternopil. There is a legend that it was in this church prayed Bohdan Khmelnytsky.

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