Settlement "Wild Garden"
Mound "Wild Garden" is a monument of archeology. It is the remains of an ancient Cimmerian settlement, estimated time of settlement - 12th century BC. e. Scientists say that this city under the Egyptian pyramids only 1,000 years. The port city appeared at the site where the Ingul flows into the Southern Bug.
The ancient settlement was discovered during excavations in 1927 by the famous archaeologist F. Kaminsky. One of the first and most valuable finds was the bronze cauldron. Also found a wide variety of bronze objects of everyday life, about one hundred kinds of stone products, people and ancient burial remains of fortifications.
Regular archaeological research conducted here since 1990. In 2008, scientists had found a real archaeological treasure - a 12 bronze hatchets, which have been preserved in its original form, the age of their dates from the 10th century BC. e. This finding suggests that earlier there was located a large settlement of craftsmen. These findings may confirm the fact that the "wild garden" was not just a settlement, and was the capital of a huge settlement whose borders stretched from the Danube to the Dnieper, the Black Sea and to the territory of modern Cherkasy region.
"Wild Garden" is one of the most interesting archaeological sites in Ukraine. According to the polls for the contest "Seven Wonders of Ukraine" ancient settlement is in the top 100.