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Transfiguration Church, Liubech

Transfiguration Church, Liubech

In the 860s vigilantes Russian prince Rurik, down the Dnieper River   Kiev , admiring the scenery in one place and decided to establish a settlement. Since then, it became known as the "courtesies", hence the name of the village Liubech . Here was born the Rev. Anthony of the Caves - the holy Russian Church, one of the founders   Kiev-Pechersk Lavra . He was the founder of monasticism in Russia. It is associated in the village are two caves, one of which is preserved.

Before the revolution in Lyubech was 8 operating churches. Age of some of them was calculated over 5 centuries. Two were located on lands Antoniev Monastery. In 1786, on the orders of Catherine II the monastery ceased to exist. Church also survived, they were destroyed in the 30-50 years of the 20th century, and their contents looted and lost.

In 1779 Lyubech master Peter Miloradovich built in his garden the count a new church made of wood - Protection of the Virgin. But already in 1817, his son Gregory, lieutenant-general and historian, who then owned Ljubech built here with his own money in the heart of the village of Holy Transfiguration Church. Laid him in 1811 as a family crypt. The temple was a stone, single-headed, which is the type of the dome of the rotunda with surrounding four porticos on the sides of the simplified Tuscan order. The territory is fenced temple latticed iron railings with details of forging. In the 1850s, the western portico was dismantled and was attached to his long arm with a belfry and portico of the main entrance of the four columns. Laconic and monumental building has a direct relation to the best instances rotondalnyh churches in Ukraine.

Holy Transfiguration Church -   one of the most unusual churches in the Late Left-Bank Ukraine. It is here that contains a list (copy) famous icon of the Virgin Lyubech lost during atheistic aggression. Pristine image of her appeared during the formation of Christianity in Russia. Icon is well known for its many wonderful deeds. They indicate Dimitry of Rostov - Russian church leader, Bishop, preacher. In the 17th century the original Lyubech icons for some time been in the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev, then in the same store and a copy that has not survived to the present day. Known fact that the transfer in 1701 of the image of St. Sophia Cathedral in Liubech. And what visage Innocent Schirsky restored. In the days of feasts in Lyubech temples revered image of the Church of the Ascension ceremoniously swept through urban places, and when there was a procession, he was brought into the homes of citizens, so that they have the opportunity to worship the image. This custom was kept for a long time, while in the Soviet time the church was not closed.

Modern history

In Soviet times, the icon of the Virgin was lost. One of the copies retained by one of the local congregation. It was only in 1989 with the opening for the ministry of the Holy Transfiguration Church, she was transferred to this temple, where there is now.

In Soviet times, the temple was used as a warehouse, and then as a club. Then for many years he was a dilapidated condition. It completely restored and rebuilt until 1992. Now the temple brick, stucco, has a rotunda with porticos on the southern and northern entrances. Facade is decorated with rusticated (rough-hewn stone), pilasters, cornices, arranged in a circle. Who is the Holy Transfiguration Church of the Diocese of Chernigov -   only Orthodox in the village.

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