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Cage with ravens

Cage with ravens

Despite its modernity, the center of Kiev is replete with old courtyards and a small courtyard, which keep their history and are unique to their attractions. One of these - the courtyard of the house number 9 on the street Reitarskaya, where you can walk from the metro station "Golden Gate".

Here in the yard in a huge cage live three crow - Corbin, Cyril and Carlos. Appearing here about 15 years ago, the birds liked locals who created Raptors all the conditions for life and began to lure intelligent birds. During this time, the number of legends, stories about appearance on Reitarskaya winged troika has been increasing: each telling its own version. Ravens are not alien to the purely human weaknesses, such as hot dogs and beer. They also discourage attack cats, birds norovyaschih steal legitimate food.

Visiting Kiev court with crows will certainly be one of the most pleasant walks and an unforgettable experience.

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