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Fountain "Lion" in Naval Boulevard


Everyone loves a refreshing dip on a hot day near the water. Even better, it will be some fountain.

In Mykolaiv there is one fountain, which is known and loved residents of the city. Fountain "Lion" knows more than one generation of Nikolaev. It is next to a playground, so here love kids resort.

Fountain "Lion" small in size. In appearance it seems that it is a piece of the Middle Ages. The composition of the fountain consists of a stone wall and bowls. From the wall to the townspeople looking lion`s head, out of the mouth in a bowl of cool water jet flows. Fountain instills a sense of peace and tranquility.

On the boulevard at the fountain are benches where you can sit and enjoy your holiday. Planted around trees provide the necessary shade in the summer. After you can walk to the other fountains in Naval Boulevard .


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