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Memorial Hall with a bronze monument "Motherland"

Memorial Hall with a bronze monument

Memorial of Glory in Cherkassy   dedicated to the memory of city residents, who died during his defense against the Nazi invaders.   It opened in 1967, and after 8 years he has been fully completed. Earlier in the site of the monument stood Trinity Church, which was blown up before the construction of the complex.

The diameter of the mound, which is the basis for the sculpture - 60 meters, and the height of the statue - 10 meters. The total height of the building - 20 meters. The bronze statue depicts the Motherland, in whose hands the cup with the Eternal Flame. How long will the blazing fire, the same will be long in people`s hearts the memory of the heroism of ordinary soldiers.

On one of the retaining walls are 5 bronze bas-reliefs telling about grief caused by the population during the Second World War. At the top of the hill settled cobbled alleys leading to the final resting place of heroes. Their names can be found on the memorial wall.

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