Chernelitsky castle Chernelitsa
Castle, which in former times was considered one of the most powerful eastern outpost of the Commonwealth, unfortunately, turned into ruins. During its long history it is not destroyed once and risen as phoenix. But it seems that he no longer reborn.
The heyday of the strongholds fell to the Polish-Turkish wars. Up until the 19th century, the castle hosts were Poles. In Soviet times, medieval building was given to the hospital. Today the former castle attracts only lovers of antiquity and photographers who love to take pictures on the picturesque ruins. In the basement in search of treasure is better not to look - they are bombarded with debris.
By the way, on the road to the castle, you will see an abandoned Dominican church, built in the 17th century. He reports to the castle with the help of the underground passage. On the walls of the temple you can still see fragments of the mural and the remnants of stucco. And climbing to the top of a narrow spiral staircase, you will be able to explore the local scenery.
Chernelitsa is 50 km. from the famous spa town of Kolomyia .