History Museum "Boikovshchina" Valley

In 1998, the Valley was opened museum of local lore "Boykivshchyna" - one of the youngest museums in the Carpathian region. Due to the fund family known public figures Antonovych Museum in 2003, he got a new room. The grand opening was timed to the first boykovskomu festival in the Carpathians. Tatiana and Yemelyan Antonovich, he moved to the United States, opened a charitable foundation, the main task of which was to promote the development of Ukrainian culture in different areas.
What can be seen in the museum "Boykivshchyna"
In the museum you can find a lot of information about the historical and cultural development, natural resources ethnographic region of the Carpathians called Boykivshchyna. Despite its antiquity, authenticity and singularity, it is to this day has not been studied properly.
Considerable interest is the re-creation of external and internal appearance of the classic boykovskogo home. Presents authentic furniture, household items, tools, national boykovskie outfits and painted eggs, embroidered with colored thread, a collection of dolls, objects of religious 16-18 centuries, archaeological finds.
Other sections of the museum are the natural beauty of this corner of the Carpathians, the history of the Valley, ethnographic peculiarities of everyday life. There are storage cabinet spouses Antonovich, which contains documentary evidence, telling about their lives in America, on patronage.
The museum hosts a variety of very interesting and thematic programs. First of all - a study, followed by a story about a family Antonovich about the history of the Valley, about famous people Boiko, the artists and the edge of the natural resources of the Carpathian region.
In addition, the offer is interesting to study routes Hoshiv monastery on the rocks Dovbush .