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The Cave Complex "Dovbush Rocks"
Бубнище, Болехівська міськрада, Івано-Франківська область, Україна
Those who like nature are well advices to go to the Dovbush Rocks located in the picturesque Carpathian Mountains. This rocky formation is named after the national hero Oleksa Dovbush. You will be impressed with unique forms of huge rocks, giant stones that resemble chimerical images of animals and ...
Mizunski waterfalls
с. Новий Мізунь 77543, Долинський р-н, Івано-Франківська обл., Україна
Mizunski waterfalls - a great place for lovers of mountain recreation. Skelyastist slopes and plenty of rapids on the river Mizunka create incredibly spectacular cascading waterfalls. The river originates in the Ukrainian Carpathians at a height of 1075 m above sea level. Powered river snow or ...
Marsh Shyrkovets
с. Новий Мізунь 77543, Долинський р-н, Івано-Франківська обл., Україна
Western Ukraine is one of the most picturesque parts of the country. The most popular is the land due to favorable climatic conditions. In Precarpathia is more than 2 thousand hectares saved wetlands, half part of the nature reserve complex of Ukraine. Upland marshes, of which there are almost 90, ...
Vyhoda Narrow Gauge Railway Heritage Centre, Vyhoda
вул. Данила Галицького 66, смт Вигода, Долинський р-н, Івано-Франківська обл., Україна
Saltworks, Bolekhiv
вул. Січових Стрільців, м. Болехів 77200, Долинський р-н, Івано-Франковська обл.. Україна
Narrow Gauge Railroad
вул. Заводська 4, смт. Вигода 77552, Долинський р-н., Івано-Франківська обл., Україна
Mountain Yayko-Ilemske
Долинський р-н., Івано-Франківська обл., Україна
Ukrainian Carpathians - an amazing place. Although sometimes hike in the mountains takes a lot of effort and time, but once you take over top, fatigue disappears. Instead of feeling comes some unrestrained joy. So let`s go to the mountains Yayko-Ilemske in Gorgan. What to see on the mountain In ...
Mountain Siwan Lolinska
Долинський р-н., Івано-Франківська обл., Україна
Ukrainian Carpathians have some surprisingly strong magnetism: If you first got here, we definitely want to return. In Western Gorgan towering mountain Sivan Lolynska. Pokoryty its top is not so simple, but the way to it you will see how much beauty that the campaign will be unnoticed! The route ...
History Museum "Boikovshchina" Valley
вул. Чорновола 2, м. Долина 77500, Івано-Франківська обл., Україна
In 1998, the Valley was opened museum of local lore "Boykivshchyna" - one of the youngest museums in the Carpathian region. Due to the fund family known public figures Antonovych Museum in 2003, he got a new room. The grand opening was timed to the first boykovskomu festival in the Carpathians. ...
Mineral spring, Shevchenkovo
ур. Шандра, с. Шевченкове, Долинський р-н, Івано-Франківська обл., Україна
Near the village Shevchenkovo trail passes the P-21, which leads from the Intermountain in the Valley . Over the road stretches tract Shandra. More about the highway hum is heard mountain river swiftly flowing water, which does not get warm even in sultry weather. A road is the source of the ...
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