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Casino Beach (Golden Peacock)

Casino Beach (Golden Peacock)

Casino "Beach", also known as the "Golden Peacock", is one of the main attractions of Transcarpathia for many years. Casino "Beach" was built in the central part of the city Beregove in the 19th century, then it was rebuilt for the aristocratic gatherings, parties and evenings devoted to literature. After the Second World War at this place opened a restaurant, worn already present name.   "Golden Peacock"   - A fine restaurant, which preserved the spirit of history. Lovely   Ukrainian, Hungarian cuisine and a very reasonable price   can not fail to please the tourists, although the restaurant is considered one of the most expensive in the Carpathians.

Also in this hotel complex has several rooms that visitors to fully enjoy the beauty of these places. The luxurious interior of the hotel attracts the attention of: ornaments, figures, rounded shapes and lines of bas-reliefs -   every detail keeps in itself notes aristocratic spirit and convey the beauty and harmony of the Transcarpathian region.

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