Church of St John of Suceava
Church of St. John Sochavskogo - it legendary place, shrouded 700-year history, which began during the reign of the Golden Horde and its cruel laws. According to the stories of local ethnographers, the church was built in early 14th century (1330s), on-site brutal murder committed by order of the ministers of the Turkish governor. Orthodox Sochavsky John refused to accept the Muslim faith, and was killed for disobedience.
Source, located nearby, became a healing and is considered miraculous to this day. Well around this source was fortified in the 20th century and is now inside the church. He paid a special room with a face of a saint and constantly burning candles. Anyone can go down there to try the unusual properties of water.
During his lifetime, John was a trader on the tracks between the present-day Romania and Turkey, after his death, it is considered the patron saint of merchants.
Visit the beautiful church should take a tour in Odessa Zoo or stroll through the Maritime Museum of the glory of Odessa .