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Kurys Palace, Isaeve

Kurys Palace, Isaeve

Kuris family palace was built in the early 20th century. He is an excellent example of a provincial romanticism, where all the important details are mentioned: carved windows, cornices, asymmetrical roof, balconies of the bedrooms and more.

Greeks by birth Kuris built on the site of the estate of an old house, which had become too small for the burgeoning family. In 1905, construction was completed and the interior. There is still preserved a unique decor with elements of the then fashion. You can see the floor tiles in some rooms, ceiling moldings with skillful drawing, dozens of carved ornaments wooden furniture. All of this is preserved in excellent condition and continues to serve today.

Modern palace Kuris places within its walls agrarian lyceum. The interior has changed significantly over the years, but many survived and successfully survived the restoration. On the walls of rooms have been preserved by the French artist Monod, who was visiting Kuris in 1924 and painted family portraits.


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