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Lake Ivor (Dragobratskoe)

Lake Ivor (Dragobratskoe)

In the Carpathians, incredibly beautiful at any time of the year. But to look at the lake Ivor, perhaps, is to choose the summer. Blue as the sky lake looks amazing against the backdrop of green hills. The lake is also called Dragobratskim, as it is located near the ski resort Dragobrat .

This lake is small - its length is only 50 meters. Ivor is located on the slopes of Svidovets at an altitude of more than half a kilometer. This, at first glance, a simple lake attracts tourists like a magnet. Perhaps the reason for that is the legend. Twin brothers, hoping to win the heart of a young beauty, looking in the Carpathians edelweiss. But they were not destined to bring a flower girl. They broke down from a high cliff. And tears Gutsulochka turned into pure lake - Ivor.

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