Ridge Svidovets

Svidovets Ridge is located in the Carpathian region, between the rivers Teresva and Black Tisa, it consists of three ranges - Apshinets, Urdu-Flavantuch Svidovets himself, gave its name to the entire array. The highest point of the ridge - mountain Bliznitsa , with a height of 1883 meters, along the entire length the height of the mountain range does not fall below 1500 meters.
Ridge Svidovets in Ukraine is considered the center of Europe, as near the village of Round Rahovsky district posted the geographical center of Europe . It is represented by survey markers and stele with an inscription in Latin, which means "continuous, precise, eternal place."
Special popularity Svidovetsky array brought the famous cirque lake, the mirror surface which reflects the sky and the water seems to pale blue. This is a small lake with enough cold water and shallow depth - the deepest of them Apshinets (3.3 meters) and Vorozheska (4.5 meters).
Located on the slopes of the tract Dragobrat with the alpine ski resort , which is famous for the constant presence of snow for six months in all weather conditions, which is especially happy campers skiers.
Tourist routes on Svidovtsu particularly interesting for outdoor enthusiasts, who come here to enjoy the incredible beauty of the Ukrainian Carpathians.
Tours and excursions