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Tereshchenko Palace, Chervone

Tereshchenko Palace, Chervone

This palace is located in the small town of Chervonoe Zhytomyr region.   The building is made ​​in neo-Gothic style   and stands out from the other buildings of the neighborhood. The palace was built Polish officer Adolf Grokholsky. He was married twice, but no marriage brought him an heir, so the palace went to his second wife, who sold and the village together with the castle Nicholas Tereshchenko. He handed the palace Fyodor Tereshchenko, which gives the building the appearance that we have now. Fedor much engaged in charity and was even an honorary citizen in Kiev . In 1870 he built a Chervone sugar factory that works to this day. He reconstructed the palace a little, made the tower below 2 tiers, added a portico with a balcony facing the main tower, giving it a gothic look.

Now the palace is given to the convent, the money for its reconstruction is not, and it is gradually destroyed.   It looks very impressive. Until now, the   the palace preserved cast-iron fountain, beautiful tower, many Gothic elements   - All this is fascinating and leaves a lasting impression of being in this palace.

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